Category Archives: Legal Senior Tips

Smart Legal Planning

Choosing to act now and plan for your future is a “No Brainer!”

As you grow older, it makes sense to take stock of your life and consider what challenges you might face in the future and how you can prepare for them. You know what you want your future to be. By acting now, you can avoid many of the complications that come into people’s lives when they fail to plan.

Here are a few questions that you may want to consider: Who will make financial decisions for me if I become incapacitated? If I am unable to communicate, who will make my medical decisions? Who will take care of my estate and how will I pass my property on to my loved ones? Questions like these—and many more— can be resolved by getting a few documents in place.

There are two documents that authorize someone else to act on your behalf during your lifetime. A Durable Power of Attorney for Finances appoints an agent to act for you in financial matters, and a Healthcare Power of Attorney appoints an agent to make medical decisions for you if you cannot communicate. I have often seen people delay getting these documents. After they have become incapacitated, their family members want to know what they can do so that the family member can act on their behalf, i.e. pay the bills, apply for Medicaid, make healthcare decisions etc. Sadly, often there is not a lot that can be done short of applying for a Guardian or Conservator through the Court, which can be costly.

A Will or a Trust is a document that you can put in place to appoint a representative to handle your affairs after you pass away and to direct to whom you want your estate to be given to. If you die without these documents in place, the laws of the state of Idaho will determine who will be your Personal Representative and to whom your estate will go.

Here is a sampling, from my experience, of things you should think about that will avoid future problems:

  • A couple can deed their home, held as community property, back to themselves as “community property with a right of survivorship”. By doing this, when one spouse dies, the home passes to the other spouse without having to probate.
  • Couples who live together without getting married, need to have a Will. The law in Idaho is that if one of them dies without a Will, the other partner will inherit nothing, since they are not legally married.
  • Couples who marry a second time later in life, often commingle their assets and place the new spouses’ name on the title to their property. When they do this, they make their property subject to the new spouse’s debts and creditor claims. Additionally, if a married person dies without a Will in Idaho, the surviving spouse inherits all the community property and half of the separate property. Also, the surviving spouse can claim a homestead allowance of $50,000 and an exempt property allowance of $10,000 from the estate of the deceased spouse. If these results are not the couple’s intent, or if they prefer their property to go to their children, they should sign a Prenuptial Agreement and keep their property separate.
  • Many people go years without checking their insurance policies, investment accounts, IRA’s and 401K’s to make sure their Beneficiary designations are correct. Sometimes they are surprised to find that an ex-spouse or others are named as Beneficiaries that do not reflect their current wishes.
  • If you have minor children, you should designate in your Will who you want to serve as the guardian of your children. If an accident, unforeseen illness or unexpected death occurs, and you have not nominated someone to serve as guardian, fighting among family members over who is to be guardian sometimes occurs, causing more stress on the already upset child. I should note that a minor, 14 years of age or older, has the legal right to object to a parental nomination of a guardian and nominate their own guardian.

In conclusion, when you are healthy and doing fine is the time you should be planning who would act for you if you unexpectedly became incapacitated and what you want to happen with your estate when you pass away. It makes sense to put legal documents in place to take care of these things while you still can.

Tom Packer is an Elder Law Attorney serving all Southeast Idaho. Tom offers Life Care Planning to deal with the challenges created by long-term illness, disability and incapacity. If you have a question about a Senior’s legal, financial or healthcare needs, please call us.

February 2020

Ownership of the Family Vacation Home

Having a plan for the vacation home helps avoid problems in the future.

Family vacation homes evoke memories of going for a canoe ride on a lake, going for a walk along the beach or roasting marshmallows around a campfire—time spent together bonding as a family. However, when you have a vacation home, there is a need for careful planning, or it can become a problem with the potential to create divisions between family members.

The purpose of this Senior Tip is to discuss the different types of ownership available for family vacation homes. Future tips will address some of the pros and cons related to ownership of vacation homes.

If the family vacation home has been deeded to the children by the parents or transferred by Will or Trust, the children most likely own the property as tenants in common. Here are a few things you should know about this type of ownership: each tenant in common owns an undivided interest in the property; each tenant has a right of partition—which means each has a right to force the property to be divided or sold; each tenant can transfer his or her interest to a third party by deed or to a spouse or child in a Will; and a tenant in common has no legal obligation to pay rent or reimburse other tenants for the use of the vacation home.

Joint tenancy is another form of joint ownership. All the above rules for tenants in common apply to joint tenancy, but joint tenancy has a right of survivorship—the final survivor of all the original tenants will become the sole owner of the property. This can surprise family members in the future, when they learn that their family’s ownership in the vacation home ended on the death of their parent.

Family vacation homes are sometimes owned by Revocable or Irrevocable Trusts. The management of the vacation home and the eventual distribution of the home when it is sold is set out in the terms of the Trust. The Trustee of the Trust has the duty to manage the vacation home according to the terms of the Trust.

The final type of ownership is a Limited Liability Company (LLC). An LLC is formed by filing Articles of Incorporation with the Secretary of State’s office. This is a one-page form that lists the names and addresses of the members and the Registered Agent. In Idaho there is a $100 filing fee. Once the LLC is set up, the vacation home is deeded to the LLC. The advantage of a Limited Liability Company is that it limits the liability of the owners and is taxed like a partnership.

Limited Liability Companies are governed by an Operating Agreement that lays out how the vacation home will be managed, how a member’s interest can be sold and how the LLC will eventually be dissolved. For example, the Operating Agreement could state that the family would keep the vacation home for a certain number of years and then sell it, or it could state that it is to be sold on an event like when the first of the original members dies. Understanding and reaching an agreement on the terms of the Operating Agreement may take time and effort but resolving issues up front will avoid problems later.

The vacation home is a place where families meet together and enjoy good times; however, as circumstances change, it’s wise to have a plan in place to make sure it continues to be something that brings the family together.

Tom Packer is an Elder Law Attorney serving all of Southeast Idaho. As part of his law practice, Tom offers Life Care Planning to deal with the challenges created by long-term illness, disability and incapacity. If you have a question about a Senior’s legal, financial or healthcare needs, please call us.

December 2019

Transferring Vehicle Titles in an Estate

How do I transfer the title of a vehicle of a person who has passed away?

The question—How do I transfer the title of a vehicle of a person who has passed away? —is frequently asked. If the estate of the person who has passed away is probated, the Personal Representative of the estate can sign and transfer the title to the vehicle by providing the Department of Transportation with a copy of his or her Letters Testamentary or Letters of Administration that have been issued by the Court. If the vehicle was held in a trust, the Trustee of the trust has the authority to transfer the title.

But what do you do if the deceased person had a small estate that was not probated, so there is no Personal Representative to sign the title? In this case, the Idaho Department of Transportation’s website has an Affidavit of Inheritance form that can be printed and filled out by a priority heir and filed with the application for a new Idaho Certificate of Title on the vehicle.

Attached below is the Transportation Department’s Affidavit of Inheritance. If you need assistance with understanding more about this process, we are here to help.

Tom Packer is an Elder Law Attorney serving all of Southeast Idaho. As part of his law practice, Tom offers Life Care Planning to deal with the challenges created by long-term illness, disability and incapacity. If you have a question about a Senior’s legal, financial or healthcare needs, please call us.

November 2019

Ethical Wills

An Ethical Will may be the most important thing you leave.

An Ethical Will is not a legal document; it is an expression of who you are, how you feel and what is important to you. A traditional will is used to pass on your assets. An Ethical Will is used to pass on your values. The stories you tell and the values you share will help your family and friends remember the person that you are. Take time to write about what is important to you and something you learned from grandparents, parents, spouse, children and others. Share what you are grateful for and what your hopes are for the future of your loved ones. Here are some examples of topics you could address in an Ethical Will:

  • My life Experiences
  • The importance of family
  • Religion / Spirituality
  • Learning from mistakes
  • Being honest, truthful and sincere
  • Giving and receiving
  • The importance of learning and knowledge
  • Reflections on how you coped with difficult situations
  • Doing good and avoiding evil
  • Lessons learned in Life
  • The importance of humor and what made you laugh
  • Important relationships
  • Your top ten______(ie: books, songs, vacations…)
  • What did you do for fun and what brought you joy

In conclusion, an Ethical Will can take the form of a letter written to one’s own children or grandchildren, or it could be a longer, personal history with stories, experiences and wisdom for future generations. In many ways an Ethical Will could be the most important document that you leave your loved ones.

Tom Packer is an Elder Law Attorney serving all of Southeast Idaho. As part of his law practice, Tom offers Life Care Planning to deal with the challenges created by long-term illness, disability and incapacity. If you have a question about a Senior’s legal, financial or healthcare needs, please call us.

October 2019

Trustee’s Duties

Always act in the best interest of the Beneficiaries, not your own!

If you have been named the Trustee of a Revocable Living Trust, there are a few things you should know. As Trustee, you have a fiduciary duty to the Beneficiaries of the Trust. In other words, you should always act expeditiously for the benefit of the Beneficiaries. You should avoid any conflicts of interest, such as using the trust assets to benefit yourself, borrowing money from the trust, placing money in an account you own or investing trust money in your own company. As incredible as it may seem, newspapers are full of such stories.

As the Trustee, you have a duty to openly and regularly communicate with the Beneficiaries and not withhold information from them. Here are some things Beneficiaries should know about:

  • How money in the Trust is invested
  • What are the Trust assets and liabilities
  • Any sales of the assets/property in the Trust
  • Any expenses paid for advisers, attorneys, accountants, real estate agents, etc.

You will need to keep detailed and accurate records so that you can provide an accounting to the Beneficiaries and be prepared to defend your actions if necessary.

When a Trust terminates, you need to distribute the Trust Estate to the Beneficiaries as soon as possible and close the Trust. Depending on the objectives of the Trust and the desires of the Beneficiaries, a Trust can be terminated in as short as 6 months or it can continue for several years.

When terminating the Trust, you must pay the Trust expenses, creditor claims and administrative costs. The balance of the Trust will be distributed to the Beneficiaries in kind (give the specific asset to the Beneficiaries), or you can sell the assets and distribute cash to them.

If there is personal property belonging to the Trust, you will decide to whom the property is to be distributed. With luck, a Tangible Personal Property list has been left in the Trust, indicating to whom the items go. If not, you will decide. One way to divide up the personal property is to place items of approximate, equal value into separate piles, put numbers on them and have people draw a number and claim that pile.

When you make the distribution of the Trust, you should consider holding back a small reserve to cover any additional expenses or tax liabilities. You should talk with your accountant about the need to file a tax return for the Trust.

Once you are confident that all Trust expenses have been paid, you may distribute the reserve balance to the Beneficiaries. You may want a signed receipt from the Beneficiaries that they have received the distributed assets and that they release you from any further liability or responsibility as the Trustee of the Trust.

It’s an honor and a significant responsibility to be chosen as a Trustee—to be trusted to carry out the objectives of the Trust and protect the interest of the Beneficiaries. If you are concerned about something you don’t fully understand, we are available to answer questions.

Tom Packer is an Elder Law Attorney serving all of Southeast Idaho. As part of his law practice, Tom offers Life Care Planning to deal with the challenges created by long-term illness, disability and incapacity. If you have a question about a Senior’s legal, financial or healthcare needs, please call us.

August 2019

Understanding Legal Planning

Procrastinating can lead to a situation where it’s “too late.”

Meeting with a lawyer to discuss your legal needs can be compared to meeting with your doctor for a wellness exam. Your doctor evaluates your current health situation and recommends actions that you can take to ensure as healthy a future as possible. If, on the other hand, you procrastinate and don’t have regular wellness exams, sometimes when a problem is discovered it is too late to do anything about it. Early detection is always best.

When you have a “legal wellness” exam, your lawyer can advise you concerning what legal documents you need to have in place and what actions you need to take to be as prepared as possible for any eventuality that might occur. Sometimes, if you have a chronic illness, planning for long-term care should also be part of the conversation. In law as in medicine, if you wait too long, once the problem becomes evident, you may not be able to do anything about it.

For example, sometimes individuals set up a Trust to avoid probate. After the Trust is set up, they buy and sale property but some of the property is mistakenly not put into the Trust. When the grantors of the Trust pass away, their failure to transfer the property to the Trust is discovered. So, their heirs must probate the estate to transfer title to the property into the Trust. The goal of avoiding probate has been frustrated. Meeting with a lawyer to review the Trust could have avoided this.

Another example is when Mom and Dad are doing fine, so they aren’t thinking about their “legal wellness”. Then years go by and one of them unexpectedly becomes incapacitated. It’s now too late to put legal documents in place to appoint agents, who can act on their behalf. It makes sense to have regular “checkups”—medical and legal to take care of things while you still can.

Quality of life is important to each of us. Just as a wellness exam can catch physical problems while they are still treatable, legal exams can identify and solve problems while you are still able to do something about it.

Tom Packer is an Elder Law Attorney serving all of Southeast Idaho. As part of his law practice, Tom offers Life Care Planning to deal with the challenges created by long-term illness, disability and incapacity. If you have a question about a Senior’s legal, financial or healthcare needs, please call us.

June 2019

Living Wills Specify Healthcare Wishes

Are you aware of these lesser-known facts?

Often, there is apprehension concerning end-of-life decisions. To make it easier, there are legal documents that you can put in place to carry out your wishes. One is a Living Will, which is an advance directive that sets forth your instructions for life-sustaining medical procedures if you are unable to communicate your wishes to your family and healthcare provider. Below are some lesser-known facts concerning a Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care (DPOAHC) in Idaho.

  • A Living Will directs your family and healthcare providers on whether to continue or withhold life-sustaining treatments such as intubation, mechanical ventilation, or tube feeding for hydration and nutrition.
  • A Living Will takes effect only when a medical doctor certifies that you have a terminal and incurable illness, or you are in a persistent vegetative state.
  • In Idaho, the Living Will and DPOAHC are combined into one document.
  • A Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care allows you to appoint a person to make all decisions regarding your healthcare and takes effect only when you are not able to communicate.
  • If you can communicate, you will continue to make your own decisions concerning your healthcare, and what treatments you want. This includes making decisions about where you live—at home or in a facility.
  • There is a presumption in favor of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) if you do not have a pulse and are not breathing. This is a different condition than being diagnosed as terminally ill. If you do not want CPR you should indicate it in your Living Will and should fill out a Physician’s Order for Scope of Treatment (POST) with your doctor.
  • Living Wills created in other states that substantially conform to Idaho’s Living Will statutes, are recognized as valid.
  • Persons may give consent for their care to others, in the following order: a Guardian, the person named as an Agent in their Living Will, a spouse, a parent, a relative or any other competent individual representing himself or herself to be responsible for your healthcare.
  • If you have not made a prearranged funeral plan or if provisions relating to the disposition of your remains are unclear—for example, do you want cremation or a burial—the decision is made by the person designated as your Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care. If you want to make provisions relating to the disposition of your remains, you may want to prepare a document which specifies what you would like to have done.
  • A Living Will can be registered with the Idaho Secretary of State’s office, and if registered, your information will be available online to doctors, even if you are traveling.
  • If you change your mind, you can amend or revoke your Living Will and Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care.

When it comes to end-of-life decisions, there are things you can do to make it feel less daunting. Getting correct information and knowing what’s available, will help you make better choices.

Tom Packer is an Elder Law Attorney serving all of Southeast Idaho. As part of his law practice, Tom offers Life Care Planning to deal with the challenges created by long-term illness, disability and incapacity. If you have a question about a Senior’s legal, financial or healthcare needs, please call us.

April 2019

A Gift for You!

This Booklet helps you know how to be more prepared for the future.

Dear valued client,

We are sending you the attached Booklet entitled “A Senior’s Guide to a Well-Planned Future.” This booklet is designed to help you plan today for a better tomorrow, by putting legal documents in place and communicating your desires to your family. We hope that you find it interesting and informative. You may also view the Booklet or download it from our website listed below.

We believe that life is good, and that we can choose to make it even better.   Having the opportunity to ‘connect’ with you each month through our Senior Tips is enjoyable for us and we hope it has been helpful to you. Often, we receive comments back from you which makes our day! We hope you have a very Merry Christmas, and we look forward to a happy New Year!

Sincerely, Tom Packer, Sandy Packer and Becca Freeburne 

Click here to view & download the booklet

Tom Packer is an Elder Law Attorney serving all of Southeast Idaho. As part of his law practice, Tom offers Life Care Planning to deal with the challenges created by long-term illness, disability and incapacity. If you have a question about a Senior’s legal, financial or healthcare needs, please call us.

December 2018

Social Security Benefits – When a Family Member Dies

How to handle that final check.

We frequently hear from clients after their spouse has passed away, wondering if they have to return the final Social Security benefit paid to their spouse. It can be a confusing process to figure out Social Security rules, but in this case, the guideline is quite simple, although it can feel unfair.

Here are two things to remember:

  • Social Security benefits are paid a month behind. For example, the check you receive in December is November’s benefit.
  • A person must live the entire month to receive the benefits for that month, per Social Security regulations.

For example, if your husband passed away on December 20th, his estate is entitled to keep the Social Security payment that arrived in December. The payment arriving in December is for November’s benefit, since benefits are paid a month behind.

However, his estate is not entitled to keep the December benefits that would be paid in January, since he did not live the full month of December. In fact, if he dies anytime within the month of December, even if he passes away on December 31st, his estate is not entitled to December benefits. Putting it simply, the estate will receive a check from Social Security for the last full month that he lived.

What happens if you receive an extra monthly benefit?

In many cases, the funeral home will report the person’s death to Social Security, but if Social Security was not notified prior to the payment being processed, you may receive an extra payment. If the funds are directly deposited into your bank account, you can contact the bank and request that the funds be returned to Social Security. If you receive a paper check, you should return the check to Social Security and do not cash it. To report a death or to apply for benefits, you can call 1-800-772-1213.

As the surviving spouse or as a minor child, you may be eligible for a one-time death benefit of $255. Some spouses are also entitled to widow or widower benefits, although additional regulations apply. However, knowing at least the basic regulations can help you make some sense in a confusing system! We are here to help if you have additional questions.

Tom Packer is an Elder Law Attorney serving all of Southeast Idaho. As part of his law practice, Tom offers Life Care Planning to deal with the challenges created by long-term illness, disability and incapacity.  If you have a question about a Senior’s legal, financial or healthcare needs, please call us.

November 2018

Signatures on Legal Documents

Does it really matter how you sign your name?

When signing legal documents, this question frequently comes up—how should I sign my name? There is not a black and white answer to this question, but here are some guidelines.

There are good reasons to sign your name on legal documents the same way your name is listed on government documents, such as your Social Security card or your Driver’s License. If the document is going to be notarized, a notary public may ask to see your identification card to identify you and compare signatures. The goal is to sign your name in a way that will avoid confusion.

There is no law that I am aware of that says you must sign your name a certain way. But title companies, banks and county assessor’s offices often get particular about how documents are signed, especially documents that transfer title to real property.

Below are some general rules that court clerks and title companies have suggested to me. I realize that sometimes these suggestions might conflict with each other. You can choose the one that fits your situation the best.

  • Sign your name the way it is listed on government documents that identify you.
  • Sign your name the same way that it is listed in the heading, the body of the document or the signature line.
  • If you are signing a deed, sign your name the same way that it was written in the deed that transferred the property to you. Sometimes when your name has been written multiple ways on previous deeds, you can state your name and then state, “also known as”, then write your name the other ways that it was written previously.
  • If you have a common name or the same name as a parent, use your full name, with your middle name, or Jr. or Sr. if applicable, to avoid confusion.

Generally speaking, a person is not going to escape liability, or on the other hand a contract or other legal document is not going to be invalidated because you didn’t use your full name, your name is misspelled, or you signed Bill Smith when your name is William Smith.

Signing your name as indicated above will avoid confusion and make it easier for title companies and assessor’s offices to verify your signature.

Tom Packer is an Elder Law Attorney serving all of Southeast Idaho. As part of his law practice, Tom offers Life Care Planning to deal with the challenges created by long-term illness, disability and incapacity. If you have a question about a Senior’s legal, financial or healthcare needs, please call us.

October 2018